PowerBook (FireWire)
Memory (RAM)
Replacement Instructions
Be sure to follow these instructions carefully. Failure to follow these
instructions could result in damage to your equipment and may void your
For this computer, you can replace memory in either the upper or lower
RAM slot. Replacing memory in your computer requires up to nine basic
• Turn off the computer.
• Open the computer.
• Remove the heat shield.
• Remove the processor module (if replacing RAM in the lower RAM slot).
• Remove the RAM you are replacing.
• Install the replacement RAM.
• Replace the processor module (for lower RAM replacement only).
• Replace the heat shield.
• Close the computer.
Note: A video version of the replacement instructions is available at
Tools Required
• Jeweler’s flat-blade screwdriver
• Phillips screwdriver
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)
Static electricity, a normal and natural phenomenon, builds up on your body
as you walk around.You experience an electrostatic discharge (ESD) when
you touch an object and feel a spark. ESD can cause damage to the
internal components of your computer.
To avoid ESD damage, read and follow all instructions. If a grounding wrist
strap is included with your replacement memory, refer to the instructions
included for how to ground and use the strap.
Opening the Computer
Warning: Always turn off your computer before opening it to avoid
damaging its internal components.
Place your computer on a clean, flat surface.
Shut down your computer, remove the battery from the expansion bay,
and disconnect the power adapter, modem, and any other cables
connected to the computer.
Warning: The internal components of your PowerBook may be hot.
If you have been using your PowerBook, wait 30 minutes after
shutting down your computer to let the internal components cool
down before continuing.
PowerBook (FireWire) Memory (RAM) - 3
Make sure that the keyboard locking screw is not in the locked position.
Your new PowerBook comes with the keyboard unlocked, so unless you
or someone else locked the keyboard, you can skip this step.
Release the keyboard by pulling down on the keyboard release tabs
(located to the left of the F1 and F9 keys) until the top portion of the
keyboard pops up.
4 - PowerBook (FireWire) Memory (RAM)
Lift the top portion of the PowerBook keyboard up slightly near the top
row of keys and pull it back far enough to release the small tabs that
hold the bottom of the keyboard in place.
Flip the keyboard over and lay it on the palm rests.
Touch a metal surface inside the computer to discharge any static
Important: To avoid electrostatic discharge, always ground yourself
by touching a metal surface before you touch any parts or install any
components inside the computer. To avoid static electricity building
back up in your body, do not walk around the room until you have
completed your installation and closed the computer.
PowerBook (FireWire) Memory (RAM) - 5
With a Phillips screwdriver, remove the screws that secure the internal
heat shield.
Heat Shield
Lift up the internal heat shield.
10 At this point,
• Go to the section “Replacing RAM in the Upper RAM Slot” if you are
replacing RAM in the top RAM slot.
• Go to the section “Replacing RAM in the Lower RAM Slot” if you are
replacing RAM in the bottom RAM slot.
6 - PowerBook (FireWire) Memory (RAM)
Replacing RAM in the Upper RAM Slot
After opening the computer (removing the keyboard and heat shield),
release the existing RAM expansion card at the two snaps so the card
pops up. Then pull the expansion card out of the RAM expansion slot.
Warning:When removing or installing the RAM card, do not touch
its connectors. Handle the RAM card only by the edges.
RAM Expansion Slot
PowerBook (FireWire) Memory (RAM) - 7
Hold the replacement RAM expansion card at a 30-degree angle. Line
up the notch in the card with the small tab in the RAM expansion slot.
Then push the RAM expansion card into the expansion slot.
Warning:When removing or installing the RAM card, do not touch
its connectors. Handle the RAM card only by the edges.
Note: You may feel some resistance. If you are having trouble
inserting the card, try pushing one side at a time.
Gently push the RAM expansion card down until the two snaps on
either side of the card lock into place.
Go to “Closing the Computer” to complete the reassembly process.
PowerBook (FireWire) Memory (RAM) - 8
Replacing RAM in the Lower RAM Slot
After opening the computer (removing the keyboard and heat shield),
remove the long screw (shown below) that secures the processor heat
Locate the small, plastic pull tab on the right side of the processor
module and gently pull up on the tab until the processor module
disconnects from the logic board.
Note: The tab for the processor module is the smaller of the two
plastic tabs.
Processor Module
Pull Tab
Lift the processor module straight out and carefully turn it over, and
locate the RAM slot.
RAM Slot
Top of Processor Module
Bottom of Processor Module
Pull the tabs apart and remove the DIMM from the slot.
PowerBook (FireWire) Memory (RAM) - 9
Insert the new DIMM.
RAM Slot
Top of Processor Module
Bottom of Processor Module
Warning:When removing or installing the RAM card, do not touch
its connectors. Handle the RAM card only by the edges.
Reinsert the processor module. (Make sure the tabs on the side of the
module line up with the slots on the metal frame of the logic board.
Press the tabs into the slots so the edge of the processor module is
flush against the metal frame.)
PowerBook (FireWire) Memory (RAM) - 10
Press down very firmly against the processor module until you feel it
securely attach to the connector on the logic board. Then replace the
Note: If you have a 2-inch RAM card in the upper slot, remove it
before you reinsert the processor module; the card blocks the area
you need to push against to secure the processor module in place.
RAM Card
Note: If the processor module is not securely connected to the logic
board, your computer will not start up.
Go to “Closing the Computer” to complete the reassembly process.
PowerBook (FireWire) Memory (RAM) - 11
Closing the Computer
After replacing RAM in the upper or lower RAM slot, insert the internal
heat shield.
Important: When replacing the internal heat shield, make sure it does
not cover the plastic tabs for the hard disk and optional AirPort Card.
The plastic tab for the processor module should be placed under the
heat shield.
Heat Shield
AirPort CardTab
Hard Disk Tab
Module Tab
Press down on the bottom portion of the heat shield to secure it and
then replace the screws.
Flip the keyboard over and insert the small tabs at the bottom of the
keyboard into the openings in the PowerBook case.
PowerBook (FireWire) Memory (RAM) - 12
Pull down on the keyboard release tabs (located to the left of the F1
and F9 keys) and then press down on the top portion of the keyboard.
Let go of the keyboard release tabs to secure the keyboard in place.
Replace the PowerBook battery or plug in the power adapter.
Warning: Never turn on your computer unless all of its internal and
external parts are in place and it is closed. Operating the computer
when it is open or missing parts can damage your computer or cause
PowerBook (FireWire) Memory (RAM) - 13
Apple Computer, Inc.
© 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
Under the copyright laws, this document may not be copied, in whole or in
part, without the written consent of Apple.
The Apple logo is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the
U.S. and other countries. Use of the “keyboard” Apple logo (Option-Shift-K)
for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of Apple may
constitute trademark infringement and unfair competition in violation of
federal and state laws.
Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this document
is accurate. Apple is not responsible for printing or clerical errors.
Apple Computer, Inc.
1 Infinite Loop
Cupertino, CA 95014-2084
Apple, the Apple logo, FireWire, and PowerBook are trademarks of Apple
Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
PowerBook (FireWire) Memory (RAM) - 14
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